Military Heritage.

Over 200 years of expertise in military textiles.

Hainsworth have over 200 years of expertise in military textiles supplying the highest quality uniform cloths for armies at home and abroad. Our uniform cloths went to Trafalgar, the Battle of Waterloo, the Crimea, South Africa in the Boer War and the two World Wars.

Ceremonial Parade Wear

The highest profile ceremonial garments worldwide.

Supplying woollen and worsted fabrics for use in the highest profile ceremonial garments worldwide, our customers rely on our skills, capabilities and seven generations of technical expertise to weave and finish fabrics to the most exacting specifications.


Extensive archives supplying groups from around the world.

Hainsworth offer a range of re-enactment fabrics for various historical periods including Roman, Medieval, Napoleonic, Civil Wars and World War II.


Beautifully structured fabrics for iconic uniforms.

The stunning and true colour palette offered by Hainsworth cloth is utilised by tailors crafting not only garments, but statement pieces that represent their countries for years to come.
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Free Samples, Delivered Direct.

The simplest way to see the true potential of Hainsworth cloth is to experience them in person. Choose up to 5 fabric samples from our samples page, fill out your details and we’ll send these out to you the same day where possible.
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