Why is Slow Fashion important?

Slow Fashion encourages consumers to rethink their relationship with clothes and invest in classic, high quality fashion fabric and pieces that can be worn and loved for a lifetime. Rather than conforming to trends with short life cycles, consumers are looking to reduce mindless consumption and instead make more considered and thoughtful purchases. The Slow Fashion movement calls for brands to slow down production schedules and take time to ensure quality, placing more value in their products and their life cycle.

The production of high-turnover fast fashion takes a significant toll on the environment, with C02 emissions, cheap synthetic materials and high amounts of waste contributing to it being one of the most polluting industries in the world. Slow Fashion reduces the environmental impact of manufacture by slowing down the entire process, reducing the continuous churn of manufacture, minimising waste and promoting the use of natural, sustainable materials and fibres. Slow Fashion benefits the planet, and with commitment and buy in from both the industry and consumers, can work to combat the negative impacts of fast fashion.

Slow Fashion is also important from an ethical standpoint, ensuring fair wages, equal opportunities and appropriate working conditions for those involved in making clothing.