Hainsworth Showcase at the Future Fashion Factory Spring Expo 2024

6th May 2024

Last week, we had the pleasure of showcasing at the annual Future Fashion Factory (FFF) Spring Expo held at The University of Leeds. This brilliant event combines an innovation-focused exhibition area with panel discussions addressing current challenges in the fashion and textile industry.

See pictured members of the Hainsworth Team on our stand; Muhammad Hanif, Amanda McLaren, Angela Augusto, Rachael Frame, Andrea Noble and Hannah Pugh. 

Our Managing Director, Amanda McLaren, participated in a panel discussion titled ‘Challenges vs Opportunities for Fashion Manufacturing and Reprocessing Businesses’. The conversation touched on important topics such as addressing the skills gap, upskilling of our workforces, fibre recycling, and the concept of digital passports.

Amanda said:

“The FFF Spring Expo reminded us once again, of the value in bringing together academia and industry, to explore essential and disruptive opportunities, which will benefit the UK Textile Sector long term. Seeing first-hand, how FFF projects have evolved into successful, commercial and essentially sustainable solutions, was nothing but refreshing.

The common themes during discussion were both reassuring and encouraging, as it is key that UK Textile manufacturers are collectively tuned in, to consumer expectation and demands; as well as future European legislation, which the UK will undoubtedly need to conform with. A day of energy and enthusiasm – congratulations to Steven Russell and the Team at the University.”

Amanda McLaren, Managing Director at AW Hainsworth

Thank you to Future Fashion Factory for once again for involving us in this brilliant event. We really enjoyed the day and found it fascinating to connect with so many other businesses and individuals to discuss and learn about new capabilities and opportunities in the sector.

Finally, special thanks go to Enya Judge, a former student at London College of Fashion, for lending us her beautiful garments for display. Enya’s designs, crafted from a stunning jacquard double cloth woven at Hainsworth Mill, caught the attention of many attendees with their intricate details.

Enya graduated last year from the Bespoke Tailoring course at LCF and is currently working with leather (Instagram: @enyassketchbook) and creating upcycled treasures from bedding and blankets alongside new materials (Instagram: @___Soop__).